Sunday Morning Dancing

Sunday Morning Dancing

Anke Kalk | Sunday Morning DancingAnke Kalk | Sunday Morning DancingAnke Kalk | Sunday Morning Dancingsie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | artAnke Kalk | Sunday Morning DancingAnke Kalk | Sunday Morning Dancing

Solo Show | Galerie Metro | Berlin 2009 | Installation view

“The title of the exhibition „Sunday Morning Dancing“ refers to one of the numerous walks at dawn after dancing the whole night through. In her works Anke Kalk often tells stories of every day life in a romantic and poetic way which at the end turn out to be not quite as harmless and based on aestheticism as they seemed at first sight. The artist is permanently occupied with form and transformation of things and their metaphors and ambiguities: Clothes, fashion, the vesture as social code and sign of its time and the constant recurrence of forms is one of the main topics in her work….for more information see Press Release

including following works

sie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | artsie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | artsie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | artsie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | artsie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | artsie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen | art

Sie sind morgen kaum zu schlagen. | 2009 | Prints | 30 x 21 cm

Fashion Fleet in Nice | 2007 | Video | 2:34 min | Loop auf I-pod